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RenderingControl service

Volume related controls

The RenderingControl service is available on these models: v2-S1 / v2-S13 / v2-S14 / v2-S18 / v2-S21 / v2-S27 / v2-S3 / v2-S33 / v2-S38 / v2-S6 / v2-S9 / v2-Sub.

const SonosDevice = require('@svrooij/sonos').SonosDevice
const sonos = new SonosDevice('192.168.x.x')

All actions that require input expect an object with the specified parameters, even if it only requires one parameter.

  1. GetBass
  2. GetEQ
  3. GetHeadphoneConnected
  4. GetLoudness
  5. GetMute
  6. GetOutputFixed
  7. GetRoomCalibrationStatus
  8. GetSupportsOutputFixed
  9. GetTreble
  10. GetVolume
  11. GetVolumeDB
  12. GetVolumeDBRange
  13. RampToVolume
  14. ResetBasicEQ
  15. ResetExtEQ
  16. RestoreVolumePriorToRamp
  17. SetBass
  18. SetChannelMap
  19. SetEQ
  20. SetLoudness
  21. SetMute
  22. SetOutputFixed
  23. SetRelativeVolume
  24. SetRoomCalibrationStatus
  25. SetRoomCalibrationX
  26. SetTreble
  27. SetVolume
  28. SetVolumeDB
  29. RenderingControlService event


Get bass level between -10 and 10

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetBass({ InstanceID:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0

Output object:

property type description
CurrentBass number  


Get equalizer value

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetEQ({ InstanceID:..., EQType:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
EQType string Allowed values DialogLevel (bool) / MusicSurroundLevel (-15/+15) / NightMode (bool) / SubGain (-10/+10) / SurroundEnable (bool) / SurroundLevel (-15/+15) / SurroundMode (0 = ambient, 1 = full) / HeightChannelLevel (-10/+10)

Output object:

property type description
CurrentValue number Booleans return 1 / 0, rest number as specified

Remarks Not all EQ types are available on every speaker


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetHeadphoneConnected({ InstanceID:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0

Output object:

property type description
CurrentHeadphoneConnected boolean  


Whether or not Loudness is on

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetLoudness({ InstanceID:..., Channel:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF

Output object:

property type description
CurrentLoudness boolean  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetMute({ InstanceID:..., Channel:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF

Output object:

property type description
CurrentMute boolean  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetOutputFixed({ InstanceID:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0

Output object:

property type description
CurrentFixed boolean  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetRoomCalibrationStatus({ InstanceID:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0

Output object:

property type description
RoomCalibrationEnabled boolean  
RoomCalibrationAvailable boolean  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetSupportsOutputFixed({ InstanceID:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0

Output object:

property type description
CurrentSupportsFixed boolean  


Get treble

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetTreble({ InstanceID:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0

Output object:

property type description
CurrentTreble number Number between -10 and 10


Get volume

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetVolume({ InstanceID:..., Channel:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF

Output object:

property type description
CurrentVolume number Number between 0 and 100


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetVolumeDB({ InstanceID:..., Channel:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF

Output object:

property type description
CurrentVolume number  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.GetVolumeDBRange({ InstanceID:..., Channel:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF

Output object:

property type description
MinValue number  
MaxValue number  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.RampToVolume({ InstanceID:..., Channel:..., RampType:..., DesiredVolume:..., ResetVolumeAfter:..., ProgramURI:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF
DesiredVolume number  
ResetVolumeAfter boolean  
ProgramURI string  

Output object:

property type description
RampTime number  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.ResetBasicEQ({ InstanceID:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0

Output object:

property type description
Bass number  
Treble number  
Loudness boolean  
LeftVolume number  
RightVolume number  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.ResetExtEQ({ InstanceID:..., EQType:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
EQType string  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.RestoreVolumePriorToRamp({ InstanceID:..., Channel:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


Set bass level, between -10 and 10

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetBass({ InstanceID:..., DesiredBass:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
DesiredBass number  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetChannelMap({ InstanceID:..., ChannelMap:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
ChannelMap string  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


Set equalizer value for different types

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetEQ({ InstanceID:..., EQType:..., DesiredValue:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
EQType string Allowed values DialogLevel (bool) / MusicSurroundLevel (-15/+15) / NightMode (bool) / SubGain (-10/+10) / SurroundEnable (bool) / SurroundLevel (-15/+15) / SurroundMode (0 = ambient, 1 = full) / HeightChannelLevel (-10/+10)
DesiredValue number Booleans required 1 for true or 0 for false, rest number as specified

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.

Remarks Not supported by all speakers, TV related


Set loudness on / off

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetLoudness({ InstanceID:..., Channel:..., DesiredLoudness:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF
DesiredLoudness boolean  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetMute({ InstanceID:..., Channel:..., DesiredMute:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF
DesiredMute boolean  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetOutputFixed({ InstanceID:..., DesiredFixed:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
DesiredFixed boolean  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetRelativeVolume({ InstanceID:..., Channel:..., Adjustment:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF
Adjustment number  

Output object:

property type description
NewVolume number  


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetRoomCalibrationStatus({ InstanceID:..., RoomCalibrationEnabled:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
RoomCalibrationEnabled boolean  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetRoomCalibrationX({ InstanceID:..., CalibrationID:..., Coefficients:..., CalibrationMode:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
CalibrationID string  
Coefficients string  
CalibrationMode string  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


Set treble level

const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetTreble({ InstanceID:..., DesiredTreble:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
DesiredTreble number between -10 and 10

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetVolume({ InstanceID:..., Channel:..., DesiredVolume:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF
DesiredVolume number  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.


const result = await sonos.RenderingControlService.SetVolumeDB({ InstanceID:..., Channel:..., DesiredVolume:... });

Input object:

property type description
InstanceID number InstanceID should always be 0
Channel string Allowed values: Master / LF / RF
DesiredVolume number  

This actions returns a boolean whether or not the requests succeeded.

RenderingControlService event

const SonosDevice = require('@svrooij/sonos').SonosDevice
const sonos = new SonosDevice('192.168.x.x')
sonos.RenderingControlService.Events('serviceEvent', (data) => {

The RenderingControlService emits events with these properties. Not all properties are emitted every time.

parameter type possible values
AudioDelay string  
AudioDelayLeftRear string  
AudioDelayRightRear string  
Bass number  
DialogLevel string  
EQValue number  
HeadphoneConnected boolean  
HeightChannelLevel number  
LastChange string  
Loudness boolean  
MusicSurroundLevel string  
Mute boolean  
NightMode boolean  
OutputFixed boolean  
PresetNameList string  
RoomCalibrationAvailable boolean  
RoomCalibrationCalibrationMode string  
RoomCalibrationCoefficients string  
RoomCalibrationEnabled boolean  
RoomCalibrationID string  
SpeakerSize number  
SubCrossover string  
SubEnabled boolean  
SubGain string  
SubPolarity string  
SupportsOutputFixed boolean  
SurroundEnabled boolean  
SurroundLevel string  
SurroundMode string  
Treble number  
Volume number  
VolumeDB number  

This file is automatically generated with @svrooij/sonos-docs, do not edit manually.