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Sonos (typescript / node)

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Typescript library to control your sonos speakers. Can be used in other typescript (or node) apps.

This library is in no way connected to Sonos.

Key features

  • Auto generated client (supporting all features the normal app does). Sonos api documentation and generator
  • Auto discovery or one known device as starting point.
  • Support for logical devices (grouped speakers) from the start.
  • Access to all (generated) services.
  • Sonos device class with extra functionality.
  • Strongly typed service events.
  • Easier implemented metadata generation.

Get Started

To use the library just add it to your project. npm install @svrooij/sonos. And start using it. This library isn’t meant to be used by itself, as you see in the examples you still need to use node (or typescript).

See Documentation

Sonos typescript this library

Packages using sonos-ts

Name Maintainer Description
sonos2mqtt @svrooij A bridge between sonos and mqtt, so you can control all your sonos devices right from your mqtt server
sonos-cli @svrooij An experimental command line interface for your sonos devices.
node-red-contrib-sonos-plus @hklages Node red library for sonos

Also using this library, but not in the list? Send a PR.

Additional packages

Name Maintainer Description
sonos-tts-polly @svrooij Amazon polly text-to-speech server

Contributors ✨

All Contributors

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!